Email Marketing

Unlock the 8 Benefits of Email Marketing for Your Business Now!

Did you know that over 4.3 billion people check their inboxes at least once daily? Although emails don’t always get through spam filters, 77% to 80% of them do, making it a highly effective marketing strategy. Here we will discuss the top eight reasons businesses generate leads, sales, and profits from email marketing strategies. First, let’s review a brief description of email marketing. Email Marketing Definition and Evolution Trivia fact: It was back in 1971…

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Website Content

Top 7 Essential Website Content Optimization Strategies

Does your website look interesting, like the lights on the Las Vegas strip, or is it a dusty museum filled with content no one bothers to read? The website is your top lead magnet and salesperson. It’s the face of your brand and business. Every few months, it needs a little TLC and a makeover to keep things fresh. Are you ready to keep your website content fresh and optimized? If so, this guide will…

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Always Use a Native English Copywriter After the Translation

It’s challenging to do business in another country. The complications of different currencies, import regulations, culture, and logistics can take time to understand. Solutions can be hard to find. Of course, the language barrier is always an issue. Finding a translator who understands your language and your target market’s language is not always easy. Every language has nuances and slang that only locals understand. For example, in France, there are 28 different dialects. The Swiss-German…

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