We’re Different from Each Other, and That’s a Good Thing
Norela and I are husband and wife team, we have the same goal and vision, and yet we are entirely the opposite. As two freelance sales copywriters, there are always two sides to the coin, and that usually strikes a perfect balance in our copywriting business. Viewing your projects from two perspectives and seeing things in a different light ensures we touch your prospects with the right words and emotions.

We leave no stone unturned when researching your product, your offer, and your audience.
Big companies or agencies can overcharge you. You’ll find our copywriting fees more reasonable. We treat every project the same large or small.
It All Began In 2008
Sparked in 2008 by our intense desire to pursue our passion for writing sales copy, we began studying the best copywriters and writing articles for affiliate products. Our goal was to have a better future, be in complete control of our time, and the freedom to work from wherever. In 2015, after over 30 years of working for someone else, we both decided to combine our diverse experiences pursuing our copywriting business full time.
We specialize in writing sales copy for the SME outbound, inbound, and direct response marketing. Projects include web content, emails, VSL scripts, and digital or print ads. In such a short time we’ve had the privilege of writing for B2B and B2C companies in ten countries, the bulk of them in the U.S. and Australia.
Each project is an exciting challenge for us. Satisfied customers and great reviews are our greatest motivation.
We owe huge thanks to AWAI, IAPWE, Bob Bly, Dan Kennedy, Robert Ringer, David Ogilvy, Gary Bencivenga, Gary Halburt, Joe Sugarman, and many other “A” level copywriters from whom we continue to learn.
Our Mission and Vision
Our mission is to make money by providing you with the quality sales copy that meets your business goals. The vision is to build a long-lasting, profitable business relationship that is mutually beneficial.
For copywriters to do a good job, content alone is not enough. You need a product that people want, that solves a problem and combines a valuable offer that speaks to the right audience.
Two Direct Response Copywriters And 4 Rescued Assistants

Together, we are Grovers Copywriting and continuously hone our skills to provide you the best copywriting to meets your goals. Harness our synergistic creativity and leave your target audience hungry to buy.